Thursday, 13 November 2014

My first two weeks at placement

It's coming to the end of my second week at placement and I am really enjoying it. At the moment I have two sets of first year BTECs teaching them the photography unit. They are two great classes. They are all really creative, but I have direct opposites in the class. I have students who are too nervous or shy to share their ideas, and I also have students who are equally as creative but they let themselves get too carried away and lose sight of what they were asked to do. In a way I'm kind of like that this has happened because it challenges me; 

1) To encourage the nervous to be believe in what they can do
2) Rein in some students and help them use their creativity in a more constructive way

My first real lesson with both groups was at the beginning of this week. I get to see the groups twice a week which is really good. My lesson was on the Digital SLR, ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. Which I think is a really hard topic to teach. I never liked the way it was taught to me and I still see how confusing it can be when I explain it to people. But I found this really helpful chart on Pinterest that the students seemed to like too: 

For the class I decided it would be better to learn these hands on. So I split the classes into two groups, gave them a camera and let them experiment with the settings and see what they could create. I was so pleased with the result, especially as before my lesson the students wouldn't even pick up a digital SLR.

Don't worry I asked their permission before posting them here. But I was really proud of how creative they were and I wanted to share! 

Hope everyone is having fun!

1 comment:

  1. Fab images, and what a great way to learn an remember what you have learned! On a technical note though you could have included some external hyperlinks for us non-photographers so that we could learn about the terms you refer to; DSLR ISO etc
