Sunday, 1 March 2015

How to create magic

I know this blog is aimed at how we use technology to aid our teaching in the classroom. But I re-watched this Ted Talk and I decided I wanted to share it. Christopher Emdin talks very passionately about teaching and how it is all about delivery and the connection you have with your audience / students.  I use technology all the time to teach my students and I definitely think it's one of most powerful teaching tools out there. But it is just a tool.

Reading theorists for my assignment opened by eyes to how one day the majority of teaching may take place online. I think that would be a big mistake. I know the advancements with video communication, virtual learning environments and exams online make it possible to teach many more students than you would fit in your classroom, but I would see it as a great loss. Having a connection with your teacher can make your education. Everyone remembers the teachers that believed in them, that pushed them. No-one remembers the books they wrote in or the software they used. They remember the personality of the teacher and how that teacher helped them develop and grow. 

I aspire to be a teacher that can make students follow the path they want to go down. Encourage and inspire them to work to their best standard no matter what that is. I want to see my students and get instant reactions from the workshop activities or discussions we have. I don't believe you can deliver as much passion over an internet connection. 

1 comment:

  1. Great find, I'm off to find a black church :-)
