Previously I didn't have specific resources for topics on my VLE, and I had links to pinterest boards, video tutorials and handouts. But I realised that this isn't enough, I decided to create a section which contains various resources for certain topics.
On each topic there are various resources to help the students either revist the lesson or learn more.
Specfically on the Digital SLR section I have added another link to the Pinterest board I used during the lesson. I created a quiz using quizlet to try and get the students to remember the different pharses they learnt for this lesson. Finally I have also included 3 images from the workshop which the students liked.
I'm glad I went back and added these sections because I felt there was a lot missing. If I hadn't put these in I think I wouldn't be using the VLE to it's full potential. The extra resources available will help the students remember the work they did during the lesson as it was at the beginning of my placement.
Totally agree, the quizlet provides active engagement with the content.